Understanding Tooth Bonding from Your Dentist in Williamstown

May 23, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drkassem @ 1:07 am

dentist in williamstownTooth bonding is an excellent way to improve the function and appearance of your smile using a very versatile procedure. Dental bonding involves the use of a composite resin that’s applied to the teeth for cosmetic or restorative procedures. The durable material is made to match your tooth’s existing enamel color for a seamless repair. The plastic-resin can be used in a number of ways to enhance your smile while protecting your teeth from damage. As an easy, noninvasive, and affordable solution, we offer dental bonding as your dentist in Williamstown.

Benefits of Dental Bonding

Dental bonding can be used by itself or along with other procedures. Most often, dental bonding can be used to fix chips, cracks, and hide discoloration. While many often consider other procedures that can be used to hide imperfections, such as porcelain veneers, dental bonding is the simpler and more affordable option. Although veneers are known to last longer than dental bonding, with the right care, you can extend the life and function of the dental bonds.

On average dental bonding will last roughly 10 years, which is about the same length of time as veneers under the best circumstances. However, your bonds can last far longer than 10 years with the proper care. The length of time your dental bonding lasts is also determined by where the bond was used. For example, dental bonding on the front of the teeth tend to last longer than those used on the molars. The molars undergo more pressure and wear and tear, causing the bonds to weaken overtime.

In addition to brushing and flossing, you need to avoid things that can cause damage to the bonds, such as ice, hard candy and other hard foods that can cause the dental bonds to crack. For those who grind their teeth, they will need a mouth guard to lengthen the amount of time the bonds last. Grinding the teeth causes too much pressure on the bonds, causing them to weaken.

Dental bonds are also subject to staining. You’ll need to avoid things that are known to cause tooth staining, such as tobacco, coffee, and tea. While you are advised to avoid these things during the first two days after receiving the bonds, it’s best to limit contact permanently to avoid causing the bonds to begin to discolor.

Your Dentist in Williamstown

If you’re ready to transform your smile with dental bonding in Williamstown, you’re making the smart and affordable choice. At iSmile Dental Arts, we use safe and durable composite material to enhance the appearance of your smile. We will create a customized treatment plan using a noninvasive procedure. To help ensure the longevity of your dental bonds, we will check the function and appearance of the bonds at each appointment. Should they become damaged, we can easily repair the bonds to maintain their function and appearance.

With iSmile Dental Arts, we have the simple solutions you need to gain a beautiful new smile. Call us today at (856) 341-9410 to schedule a consultation.

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