Do I Need Wisdom Teeth Extractions in Williamstown?

March 24, 2017

Filed under: Oral Surgery — Tags: — drkassem @ 9:29 pm

Your dentist for wisdom teeth extractions in Williamstown.Between that ages of 16 and 19, the American Dental Association recommends everyone has a wisdom tooth consultation. The wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that commonly erupt during the late teen years. While everyone gets the molars, few are without complications as they emerge. Difficulties with the teeth often cause them to need extracted. In fact, approximately 10 million wisdom teeth are removed each year.  At iSmile Dental Arts, we provide the consultation necessary for wisdom teeth extractions in Williamstown. If you are experiencing pain, tenderness, or swelling, it might be time to have the molars removed.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need Extracted?

Most people need their wisdom teeth extracted due to the complications that develop from not having enough space to accommodate another set of molars. When there is not enough room for the teeth to properly erupt, it can cause them to become impacted or partially impacted. This involves a tooth becoming trapped in the gum tissue or bone, preventing it from coming in correctly.

If the teeth do make it through the gum tissue, the limited space can cause them to come in at an inappropriate angle. They may be tipped, tilted, or severely rotated. It is not uncommon for the pressure from the teeth to cause overcrowding in the mouth. In some cases, the adjacent teeth may even break from the pressure.

When there are problems with the wisdom teeth, it is not unlikely to experience pain, swelling, and tenderness in the area. In some cases, the teeth can become abscessed or a cyst can form. However, with an early consultation, we can predict the potential complications that will develop and prevent them by removing the teeth.

How are Wisdom Teeth Extracted?

It is recommended to have the teeth removed before the age of 20 because the roots are still underdeveloped, but it is never too late to have them extracted. If you are tired of living with the discomfort, you need to contact your dentist in Williamstown for a consultation. Dr. Kassem will perform a thorough examination, which includes digital imaging, to create a tailored treatment plan for removal.

Depending on the specifics of your situation, the procedure will vary slightly; however, you can expect the entire process to take about an hour. For simple extractions, the process is easy. For those who have impacted teeth, the tooth may need to be removed in sections and sutures may be needed.

After the procedure, you will be given strict aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing. You will need to take extra care to prevent the blood clot from becoming loose, such as avoiding sucking through straw, which can cause dry socket. During the first couple of days after the extraction, there will be some slight pain, swelling, and bruising. Within a week or two, you will be fully recovered.

Where Can I Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

iSmile Dental Arts provides wisdom tooth consultations and extractions. If you are having trouble with the molars, it is time to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kassem. He will help you regain a healthy, confident smile.


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